After a long time of intensive preparation and discussion the General Assembly finally starts.
Under the moderation of the topical head-organizer of the EYP Friederike Handwerg and the EYP-trainer Celina Hollmichel the committee on TRANS opened the debate with the presentation of their motion for the resolution from the podium. Following, one member of the proposing committee had two minutes to deliver a defence speech which two other committees could attack in 1.5 minutes. Afterwards every committee had the opportunity to add points or ask questions to their statements but only if they were called by the board after rising their committee placard. It was the right of the proposing committee to give a direct response and after the two rounds of open debates they were supposed to sum up the debate in three minutes. In the end every member of the other committees had to vote for or against the solution ideas and for the pleasure of the delegates all of them passed.
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